Our Vision

Joan's Wish List is stopping the generational cycle of violence, one shelter at a time.
As a 501(c)(3) foundation Joan’s Wish List is providing essential support to domestic violence organizations for survivors to rebuild their lives, build productive relationships and end the generational cycle of violence.

"Mom was the most generous human being I have ever known. Generous in love, spirit and happiness. Christmas was such a special time for was something special which taught me so much about the true meaning of Christmas. Every year when I was a child, I remember -- in addition to the countless gifts she would buy for family and friends -- we would go to a toy store and Mom would buy literally hundreds of toys for boys and girls of all ages. She would wrap them up and we would fill her station wagon -- and drive to an orphanage in Mexico to pass the gifts out to the children who had so little. I still recall the look of happiness and thanks on those children's faces every year.” - Michael E Williams